Contact & Booking

If you wish to contact us during our opening hours, we recommend that you call us at 018-557733. You can also send us an email

If you want to make an appointment please give us a call.

If you want to cancel an appointment, you can either call us, email us or write to us on Facebook. 
Remember to cancel atleast 24 hours beforehand to avoid a cancellation fee. If your booking is for a surgery or a dental procedure, you need to cancel atleast 48 hours beforehand.


Our clinic is located in Ekeby Bruk.
Adress: Ekeby Bruk Ing 2M, 75263 Uppsala

We have three free parking spaces labeled"Hyrd Ekebys Djurpraktik" just outside our front door. These are for visitors, and you do not need a permit to use them.
If all parking spaces are occupied, there are several parking lots in the nearby area.